Litters due in March / April 25 Ragdolls - Annie, Nova, Tabby BSH - Blossom

Litters due in March / April 25 Ragdolls - Annie, Nova, Tabby BSH - Blossom
Please drop us a message via website, Instagram or Facebook to register your interest
Sophistirags is our Ragdoll and British Shorthair prefix and registered with the GCCF
We are members with The British Ragdoll Cat Club and also the British Shorthair Cat Club
All our registered Ragdolls are tested for and clear of HCM (Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) which is a form of heart disease. This is a regulatory requirement of the GCCF to register breeding Ragdolls
We have 2 stud boys - Cooper and Elliot
We have 6 Queens, Esther-Beau, Super Nova, Primrose, Annie, Tabbytha and Your Queenie
Billy is our stud boy
Blossom, Betzy and Sweetie are our Queens
Our Kittens will only go to 5* homes and we need to know you‘re serious about the breed before we will consider you for one of our kittens
Neakasa offer a wide range of products. We have just got the M1 litter robot. Follow this link to browse and buy
Use code SOPHISTIRAGS for $30 discount
Cooper is a Cream Bi-Colour Ragdoll, born in September 2017
Cooper is a closed stud
Elliot is a seal colourpoint Ragdoll born in March 2021
Elliot is a closed stud
Annie was born in February 2021 and is a Blue Tortie Ragdoll
Primrose was born in January 2020 and is a Cream Bi-colour Ragdoll
Tabbytha was born in November 2021
and is a Blue Tabby Ragdoll
Nova was born in September 2022 and is a Blue Colourpoint Ragdoll
Esther was born in March 2019 and is a Seal Tortie Mitted Ragdoll
Your Queenie was born in September 2022 and is a seal colourpoint
Billy is a red and white van and was born in March 2022
Blossom is a lilac and was born in March 2022
Sweetie is a Chocolate Tortie & White Bicolour and was born in June 2023
Betzy is a lilac and was born in February 2023
A Blue Ragdoll is greyish blue in colour and blue is the dilute colour of Seal.
A Seal Ragdoll cats are deep seal brown in colour.
A Red Ragdoll is a red in colour
A Cream Ragdoll is a slightly toned down colour of red. Cream is the dilute of red
A Lilac Ragdoll is a pinkish grey in colour. Liliac is the dilute of Chocolate
Colourpoint - The points of the cat, mask, paws, ears, tail will be filled with that colour Mitted - The chin, bib and chest are white as is the underbody from chest to tail. The two front paws will have white mittens that are evenly matched preferably extending to the angle formed by the paw and the leg
Bi-colour - The mask should have a balanced inverted ‘V’ of white starting on the forehead, extending downwards covering the nose, whisker pads and chin. The bib, chest and entire underbody should be white. The front legs should be all white
Tortie - The colour on the points should be seal brown or chocolate intermingled with shades of red, or blue or lilac intermingled with shades of cream
Tabby - There should be a clearly defined ‘M’ marking on the forehead, light coloured ‘spectacle’ markings round the eyes with spotted whisker pads. Ears must be solid with no stripes. The legs should have clearly defined, varied sized broken stripes and/or rings with solid markings on the back of the hind legs. The tail should have many, varied rings, possibly broken, ending in a solid coloured tip.
Annie was awarded her first Grand Certificate in the Eastern show and best of breed
Annie was awarded her second Grand Certificate in the Capital show and best of breed
Cooper was awarded reserve Imperial grand champion in both shows
Annie was awarded her 1st and 2nd cc at the double show in the Ragdoll section
Cooper was awarded 2 Grand Champion Certificates
Annie was awarded her 3rd and final CC and was made up to Champion Ragdoll
Tabbytha went to her first show and won her breed class, being awarded her first CC
Cooper was awarded 2nd place in his class
Tabbytha was awarded 2bd place in both shows
Cooper was awarded reserve imperial grand champion in both shows
Rupert won his Kitten Breed Class, Best of Breed and Best in Variety, meaning he made it up to the top show pens.
Reuben-James came second in his breed class
Rupert and Reuben-James both came second in their breed class
Rupert entered his first show as an adult cat (9 months) and won his Breed Class, Best of Breed and Best in Variety, meaning he made it up to the top show pens. He also won his first Challenge Certificate
AC Bi-Colour or Mitted Ragdoll Adult Male 1 CC & BoB Mr N & Mrs S Bird’s SHANSTARS PURE-CLASS RAG d 04 21 M 12-09-2017 Wow …. What an absolutely stunning youngster ….. and only just 4 days into adult classes!! This lads certainly is “a large, powerful, imposing cat, distinctively marked and striking in appearance”. A cat of overall excellence of type with superb size and substance. Head of excellent shape, breadth and overall balance. Ears of very good size and shape perfectly set with a good flat plane between. Excellent profile with gentle dip to medium length nose, correct bite, firm chin of very good depth. Excellent muzzle shape. Well defined correctly placed cheekbones. Excellent eyes shape and set, set well apart and an excellent blue colour. Excellent sturdy neck. Excellent length body with good breadth and depth … nothing wimpy about this laddie! Medium length well boned legs. Tail of excellent length for balance. Coat excellent length & texture and very well presented. Excellent rich red points colour with darker barring in evidence. Well marked feet and underbody .. not the easiest to assess in young red series cats! Excellent condition and temperament. This lad is an outstanding example of the breed, I hope he continues to develop this massive early promise and will watch his progress with interest.
SEMI LONG HAIR DEBUTANTE ADULT class 582 1 st BIRDS SHANSTARS PURE-CLASS (RAG d 04 21) Wow what a smasher a Red Tabby Mitted Ragdoll boy no wonder he won best overall section 2, just nine months old of enormous bone and substance his body is more than matched by a long very full tail, wonderful head for type with a true flat plane and neat ears, super eye shape and colour, firm deep chin and well rounded in the muzzle cheeks filling nicely, pale soft coat with all points showing excellent tabby.
Reuben-James came third in his breed class
Rupert entered his second show as an adult cat (9 months) and won his Breed Class, Best of Breed and Best in Variety, meaning he made it up to the top show pens. He also won his second Challenge Certificate
Rupert won his third and final Challenge Certificate which now means he will compete at Grand Class. He also won Best of Breed
Rupert won his first Grand Certificate
Ragdolls are an extremely sociable breed of cats, they have a wonderful temperament and laid back personality
They will need a lot of your attention and will love being with you and other people.
Ragdolls are lap cats or they will lay beside you. They will lay on anything that is yours, bed, towels and clothes!
Our Kittens leave from 15 weeks. They will be health checked, vaccinated, flea & worm treated, microchipped and neutered. They will come with GCCF registration certificate, family tree, FAQs, care sheet, contract. sample of food and a toy. You will also receive advice and support forever.
Ragdolls come in 6 colours. Seal, Blue (dilute of Seal), Chocolate, Lilac (dilute of Chocolate), Red and Cream (dilute of Red)
There are 5 patterns, Colourpoint, Mitted, Bicolour, Tabby and Tortie
Please do your homework on the breed and understand exactly what you are letting yourselves in for. Your Ragdoll will be your best friend for life, will not like being left alone for long periods of time. Ragdolls are indoor cats so you will need to consider keeping larger windows shut in the summer or cat proofing your garden
Rupert (pictured left winning Best Of Breed at the 2018 tbrcc show) is a Red Tabby Point Mitted. We take him and our other cats to shows around the Country.
Let me say a few words to you, yes you, the person who writes an email to simply ask the price. The person who calls and after hearing a price surprisedly states: “I can buy a cheaper cat elsewhere”. I also address you; the person who doesn’t care about papers because I want “just a pet”.
No cat is “just a pet”.
Behind every pure bred cat is a BREEDER. I’m using capital letters to differentiate a breeder from a pet factory or mill. A reputable breeder does not breed cats without papers, that does not protect the integrity of the breed. Registration (papers) are records of lineage that document bloodline and allow one to research any possible health issues present in the lineage. When you tell a Breeder you don’t care about papers what you’re really telling them is you couldn’t care less about the health of the cat you just want the cheapest thing you can find! When you select to buy a cat from a reputable and quality breeder, this breeder is responsible for the health of every cat; both cats owned and every cat they’ve sold for its lifetime. This breeder will skip holidays, miss sleeping, and most of their personal house space has been turned into space for their cats . The truly passionate breeder who loves what they breed, puts their whole heart and soul into it. Not only in kittens that are sold, but also in each client who owns a piece of their heart and now is a member of their extended family. This does not take into account any kitten/cat who might get sick or need extra help to thrive. Breeders worry about their babies after they leave and will take one back without question.
A breeder will get their hands dirty, often covered in everything accompanied with birthing. Because that’s what life is about...In the middle of birth and death is life. The wheel that keeps turning. A breeder will do tests, echos, xrays, analysis, emergency c sections, vaccinations, register cats and litters, research pedigrees, deworm, as well as microchip their kittens and get them evaluated by specialists.
Last but by no means least, a breeder CHOOSES the family lucky enough to have one of their kittens. Yes, you read that right. A true breeder chooses who they sell to because they are not making money off the sale. There is no compensation that can offset the investment a Breeder has made so they need to be confident its the right fit. Many times saying more no’s then yes...A good Breeder will have different criteria for those wanting to carry on their bloodline, why? Because breeding is not a responsibility to ever be taken lightly, it’s a lifestyle choice set aside for ONLY the few devoted people willing to sacrifice.
Because a cat is never “just a pet” it’s the Breeder’s legacy, a little boy’s best friend, a little girls protector, an elderly persons therapy, a member of the family, someone’s whole world!!!
Sign up to hear from us about our available kittens!!
We do not keep waiting lists, as circumstances change. Please contact us when we publish on here or on our Facebook page that we have kittens available. When you contact us, send us as much information about you, your home, your work and importantly, why you would like a Ragdoll or BSH. We then make selections based on your circumstances, the kittens temperament and when we meet in person or via video call. We have to make sure our kittens go to a home that will suit them